Here is a note to inform our friends that in order to prevent any confusion, we had disabled the front end of our dApps on the Ethereum and BSC networks. If you have any assets in the dApp, you may withdraw them via smart contract on the blockchain.

At the same time, we will keep working on the development of the project. We’ve all been witness to the volatility in the market due to both the macro environment and bad actors in the crypto space throughout 2022. As such, our team felt that there simply weren’t any opportune times to relaunch ACoconut with a high confidence of success.

However, we have in fact spent the last year launched within another network, having built the fundamental infrastructure from the ground up (to cater to the non-EVM development environment) - to great success.

As a result, we believe that we can break through the tight encirclement on Ethereum network when we get back. But, as before, we still need to nail down on timing, as well as revamp our strategies and product vision.

Meanwhile, please keep your assets safe and avoid the impersonators phishing for tokens. We won’t reach out to you. All activities and announcements will communicate with you via the official Telegram( or Discord server(

We appreciate your patience and support during this time. Thank you for your continued support.